Permanent make-up refresher

Service Description

Refresh your permanent make-up

A permanent make-up refresher is right for you if your permanent make-up loses color, shape and freshness. You have changed your hair color and want a different eyebrow color?

We will be happy to advise you and draw you the desired shape, contour or line. Together we decide which color suits your type.

Eyebrows – correction needed? We make it possible with our YAG laser

You have had your permanent make-up done in another studio and are dissatisfied?

Your eyebrows are blue, red, too dark or even deep black? Who wants eyebrows like Daniela Katzenberger once did?

In our practice for apparative cosmetics we solve your problem.

Just be brave, get in touch with us – we will be happy to help you.

We advise you free of charge about the possibilities of repairing your permanent make-up.


I am happy to advise you in my studio about your desired permanent make-up refresher.

Please understand that I only give discounted refresher prices if your permanent make-up was also carried out by me.